3D Gait analysis
This involves clients walking naturally using different splints, supports and footwear. This will also include using the 3D gait analysis software, which will identify any asymmetries and preference on certain limbs and muscles. This will also be used to monitor progress over time.
The software will show:
Step length
Single support phase
Double support phase
Medial-Lateral force
Propulsion force
Breaking force
Gait cycle
Step time
Massage for Cerebral Palsy
We offer massage for all levels of Cerebral Palsy, including people who have had SDR surgery.
The main aim of the massage is to release tension in the muscles, improve range of motion, and improve muscle function.
The massage can focus on any part of the body with legs and arms being the commonly treated areas.
Benefits of massage:
Improved range of motion
Reduced tension
Improved function
Improved posture
Improved circulation
Heightened mental alertness
Increased joint mobility
Cerebral Palsy Services
Cerebral Palsy is a group of permanent movement disorders that appear in early childhood, which often affect their gait.
So what is gait? Gait is a person's way of walking.
We provide support for both adults and children with Cerebral Palsy.
We use state of the art 3D gait analysis to help identify areas of weakness and tightness. This enables us to create an action plan working alongside current support teams to give tailored support to improve independence and movement. We will often also use massage to help release areas of tension and increase range of motion.
Our gait specialist Graham Bell holds a Master’s degree in Sports and Exercise Science from the University of Bath with an emphasis on biomechanics. Graham has a real interest in motor learning, gait and analysis of human movement. He has studied Clinical Biomechanics in Cerebral Palsy and Strokes, Fall Prevention, Fine and Gross Motor Control, Motor Learning and Disability Sport and Exercise.
His other credentials are:
Level 3 and 4 Sports and Remedial Massage
Level 3 Personal Training
Level 2 Strength and Conditioning
He is currently undertaking a PhD focusing on Biomechanics of the Gait.